Refund Policy

The Client(s) acknowledge that the granting of a visa or status and the time required for processing this application is at the sole discretion of the government and not the CICC or Can Quest International Immigration Services, hence no commitments or promises to this effect are made by the CICC, Can Quest International Immigration Services or its staff. Hence, there is no refund of fees applicable for the refusal or termination of any application by the concerned government authority or if the client withdraws at any time, or in case of not being selected and receiving an ITA or other form of selection, or in case the Express Entry Profile is ineligible due to any reason after successful submission, you ask to withdraw it or your CRS points are not in your favour. Other services are bound by similar clauses in terms of work completed, applications submitted etc.

The Client(s) agree that the fees paid are for services indicated above, and any refund if at all considered in exceptional cases, is strictly limited to the amount of fees paid or part thereof and at the sole discretion of the CICC and Can Quest International Immigration Services as shown in the Retainer Agreement signed with the client. An itemized list of services provided and costs therein will be provided in such a case with any unused amounts refunded if applicable to the client without any interest. Transfers of such fees back to client that incur any bank or transfer charges will be to the client’s account and deducted at that time. In case of discounted fees, where refunds are provided, this shall be calculated based on the original full fee amount and based on time spent and work completed.